We are entering the age of sleep trials. For the first seven months or so, we were co-sleeping with Melina and generally following the attachment parenting routine (feed on demand, co-sleep, wear the baby when possible). This was easy when Melina was swaddled up and didn't have free will. But starting around 7.5 months she refused to be swaddled anymore and thrashed around in the bed so much I couldn't sleep. Then around 8.5 months she started crawling and would practice in the middle of the night. We bought a crib and have been trying to teach her to sleep in it, but she's been teething and waking up every two hours wanting to nurse. Today we're starting a new system with ideas from the No Cry Sleep Solution. Starting today, we'll try to stick to a napping schedule (10:30 and 1:30, which seem to be her usual naptimes) and an earlier bedtime (7:30) along with a routine before bedtime and lots of feeding leading up to bed. We're going to try this for 7-10 days to see if there's any improvement. If not, we'll try a modified cry-it-out routine. I'm not sure how we'll go about doing it. Someone on my baby board had a lot of luck putting the baby in bed after the first feeding every night. The baby cried 15 minutes on the first night, less on the second, and one minute on the third. I have a feeling Melina will cry longer than that, but I could be wrong. I'll try to post with the results of our efforts.
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