Saturday, March 03, 2007

Sad news

Our chick Maisy died of unknown causes the day before yesterday. She seemed kind of listless when I went to visit her that day, and later in the day Sue called me with the news. We don't know what happened. Sue buried her in the backyard next to her cat Dave. On a more cheerful note, I bought two new chickens earlier that day - a barred Plymouth rock and a golden-laced Wyandotte. I haven't named them yet. I will be getting a third chicken next week - Maisy II.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Maisy... William lost a few of his chicks due to, strangely, impacted butts. They (the humans) figured out to swab the suviving chicks' butts and the rest survived. Something to do with the stress from shipping, and it may be particular to that breed. Who knew all these things about chickens!?!

Looking forward to pix of other chix -- very pretty breeds!

Jennifer said...

Yeah, that's a pretty common problem with chicks. It's called "pasting up." That wasn't Maisy's problem though... her death remains a mystery.