So we now have three healthy chickens - a golden-laced Wyandotte (temporarily named Martha), a silver-laced Wyandotte (Abigail) and a barred Plymouth rock (Dolley). They're named after the three First Ladies of the United States (the only problem is that I don't really like the name Martha, and the GLW is such a regal creature that her name should probably be Nefertiti). They are now 4, 5, and 6 weeks old. That means that they're getting HUGE and way too big for the box I have them in, but it's still too cold to put them outside. (In this photo they were in their chicken coop on one warm weekend day, providing entertainment for the local kitties). I could add a heat lamp, but I still think it's probably too early for the youngest, Dolley. I'm really looking forward to having them outside rather than in our laundry room. They're a lot of work at this age!
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