Friday, November 07, 2008

I had to buy eggs!

We have not gotten any fresh eggs for two or three weeks now, and I actually had to go and buy eggs this week. All three chickens are molting (which they do every fall). Dolley is molting so vigorously that every time she flaps her wings, feathers go flying. I had to spray all of the wet feathers off the deck today. The funny thing is that when they're not laying eggs, the chicken are a lot harder to catch. They're not as tame, and they won't stop and let you pick them up - even Dolley. So I have to wait until they are somewhat asleep on the porch railings before I can pick them up and put them in their coop. (They still refuse to go into the coop by themselves).

Speaking of which, I have been working on enhancing their coop. I built a pitched roof and put it on top of the square box that is their coop. This lets the rain run off (before it just puddled up and dripped down the middle seam). It also looks nicer, and it gives them more vertical room inside. It's also easier to clean, but not as easy to take the eggs out. I may have to cut a trap door so I can remove the eggs, but at the moment that's not an issue. I'll post photos once I'm done with the redecorating project.

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