Friday, April 17, 2009

Our lead results

So I just got back the results from our blood lead tests. They are good - my level was 1 (which is the lowest you can get) and Melina's was 3. Three is not particularly high (10 is the threshold for "high") but it does mean she's coming into contact with lead somewhere, which is not surprising given all the stuff she puts in her mouth and eats off the floor. The doctor recommended doing a followup test in 6 months or so to make sure her levels aren't going up.

I also found out my cholesterol was a bit high (because I had eating a big fat slice of cheese pizza a few hours before the test, and a hamburger the night before, no doubt). My cholesterol has always been low so I'm not too worried about it. Melina's levels of everything were good except that she was a bit on the low side for iron, so we will work on getting spinach & beef into her.

So this is a relief. I still plan to get our eggs checked to see if that's where Melina's lead is coming from, and just out of curiosity. I won't worry about eating them myself.

1 comment:

Native American Momma said...

Wow, lead is hard to deal with. I hope that your eggs are fine. I have also heard you can't grow vegetables in dirt with lead paint chips. Although I haven't done the research yet.